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Jens Poulsen & Jens Obel

50/50 Jens Poulsen

Full name: Jens Poulsen
1970 (53)
Ikast, Denmark
Founder DK Company
Matinique in two words:
Living Legend
You in two words:
Win Win

When did you believe in yourself the most?
I believe in myself the most when I free myself from the power of the ego and listen to my intuition and gut feeling.

What advice would you have given yourself ten years ago / What advice would you give your future self?
10 years ago: Don't fear the future, everything is gonna be alright.
Future self: Don't fear the future, everything is gonna be alright.

What is the best thing about wearing Matinique?
Classic taste with a twist.

What is never out of style?
We believe in the magic of win win - creating a value and joy for others never goes out of style.

50/50 Jens Obel Jørgensen

Full name: Jens Obel Jørgensen
1970 (53)
Ikast, Denmark
CEO, DK Company
Matinique in two words:
Continuous / Innovative
You in two words:
Empathic / Present

When did you believe in yourself the most?
During the corona pandemic, we were under pressure we had never experienced before, and we had to think and act in a new way. The support we received from the organisation along the way made us believe in ourselves, and that we were doing the right things.

Which Matinique item in your wardrobe holds a special story - and why?
A navy blazer that I have worn to many meetings and events, it has become a safe wardrobe favourite.

What do you dream of?
We still dream of doubling the company’s turnover, and we have high expectations, especially for Matinique, which is our flagship on the men’s side. We believe that if we continue to focus on the brand’s existing values, it has great potential.